What Are the Things That Makes Myself proud

Heyy...Asalamualaikum and thank you very much for spending your precious time reading 

and viewing my blog.Do follow ya.?love ya.. :)

Back to the topic, What Are The Things That Makes me proud?Wow . . okay.First of all . .

I'm really proud of myself.I believe that 

everybody has their own specialty and I also got mine.What are the things that make me proud?I 

can’t judge myself but I know what is the potential in me that many others can’t see .I’m gifted 

and talented .I can sing well and that is the thing that make me proud of myself.At the first 

I only sing for fun and imitate how the singer bring the song.I started singing since I was little  and I really love to sing. I found myself can sing along with the song . I can control my breath well and sing the 

high pitch song.For instance, Syafinaz the most famous soprano’s voice artist in 

Malaysia , at the first I thought it really hard to bring her song,but when I start singing and I 

found that it isn’t that hard to bring her song and of course if we  can control our breath well.It is 

God’s gift that I should appreciate.Nobody will appreciate us if we don’t appreciate 

our self,right? But ironically ,I never sing in front of public , maybe I don’t have the guts to do it 

yet or maybe in future.. . who knows? :)

Other than that, the thing that also made me proud is when I’m accepted and enrolled in 

Sultan Idris Education University,in Tanjung Malim Perak .In the first place, I’m hesitate to 

accept this offer and decide to just continue my studies in Sarawak because it was too far from 

my hometown.But,after a deep thinking, I accepted and on 10 November,I left Sarawak to 

further my studies in west Malaysia.At the first place,I felt awkward because I never stay far 

away from Sarawak before,and this is the first time.Despite this place is new and rare for me,I 

really need to get use . I really interested in the course that I've chose and of 

course to enrolled in this university isn’t that easy.So, the decision that I made to come here 

isn’t wrong .Being a student of Sultan Idris Education University is the thing that made me 

proud from now and ever after.Last but not least,I really proud with my 

country,Malaysia.Despite in our country,there are  varies culture but we able to live in peace 

and harmony . This is the  the views of country that every of us would dream. How lucky we are 

to live in this country! I’m so grateful to God that  He destined me to be the child of Malaysia 

and born in this beautiful country.To perpetuate this ,we should instill the spirit of “ one 


due to support our government’s call to instill the spirit of Malaysian in us.We should be grate 

that our country  in peaceful condition without war. Violence is not the best way to settle a 

problem.If there is a problem or something that we do not satisfied,please do not create a 

chaos in our country because it is not our culture and it really a troublesome. Love our 

country,and please protect it with all our heart.We should sincerely to protect our country  from 

elemental evil that will certainly break the harmonies of our country.In other word,I love my 

Malaysia very much and I promise that I’ll protect  Malaysia with all my heart.Every single day,

My Malaysia make improvement and development in order to ensure our country would not 

left behind by 

technology  and this made me proud of my country.I LOVE YOU MALAYSIA!

>>Thanks for all you attention and read 

my post until the last alphabet . . ;) <<

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